By Discovering Your Passion, Your Purpose & Your Polar Star 



 GET INSPIRED is an online group coaching program that prepares you for the startup journey ahead by helping you to foster the right mindset to start a business. By the end of the program, you will validate your winning business idea, gain clarity about your motivation to start your business, and define what success means to you!

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When we're clear about what we want and why we want it, we'll be motivated to figure out how we can achieve it. When startups aren't clear about where they're headed, they tend to drift along - failing to make progress and eventually giving up. If you're looking for coaching to discover your inspiration, this course is for you!  

When I started my first business over 20 years ago,  it was a case of 'accidental entrepreneurship'. What I mean by that is I jumped at an opportunity that landed on my lap - without seriously considering whether it was the right path for my business. 

I wasn't intentional about what kind of business I would have and without a compelling why or reason for starting that business, ultimately I wasn't committed to it and packed it in.

I know you won't make the same mistake I did, because you're here reading this right now.  That tells me you'll be better prepared for the startup journey than I was - by discovering your passion, purpose and polar star. The great news is this GET INSPIRED course will get you there!

By the end of this program,

you will have


  • A Compelling Reason to Start a Business

    By identifying your compelling 'why' or reason for starting a business, you will discover a source of strength to fuel your startup journey.

  • A Viable and Inspiring Business Idea

    Your success starts with validating that your business idea is both financially viable and exciting - to inspire you to persevere when things get tough.
  • A Support System for Navigating Your Journey

    No one should have to go it alone. By defining a powerful network who will support you on your startup journey, you'll be able to achieve your goals sooner.
  • A Definition for Success

    In the words of Zig Zigler, "If you aim at nothing, you will hit it every time." By setting a goal for your business, you will have a clear definition for success ... giving you a reason to celebrate when you've achieved it!


By Discovering Your Passion, Purpose & Polar Star

Are you ready to get started?!

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What’s Inside GET INSPIRED By Discovering Your Passion, Purpose & Polar Star 

This online group coaching program delivers tremendous value in the following modules:
Module 1

Your Passion or 'Why'

A key determinant of an athlete's success is how they show up on race day or game day.  When you begin the work of planning your business, you'll want to ensure that you are 'showing up' prepared - with the right mindset and clarity about your motivation or WHY you want to start up your own  business.   

Module Highlights:

In this module, you'll learn:

  • The benefits of having a compelling WHY or reason for starting up a business
  • An approach to uncover your motivation or your why - building a skill you'll use multiple times on your journey when your why is no longer driving you 
  • What your compelling why is currently - providing you with the inspiration you'll need to get going
Module 2

Your Purpose or 'What'

Even professional athletes had to decide at one point to 'get in the game' and commit to their sport, before they became proficient. One of the first important decisions you'll need to make is to choose your business idea ... what business or game you want to be in.  

Module Highlights:

In this module, you'll learn:

  • The benefits of choosing a business idea in one of the 4 main sources of all winning business ideas
  • An approach for validating the viability of your business idea 
  • How to clearly articulate the business you want to start  
Module 3

Your Polar Star or 'Wish'

The most successful athletes in the world excel at visualizing success. By the end of this module, you will have something to aim at ... a goal for your business. 

Module Highlights:

In this module, you'll learn: 

  • The power of goal setting and the impact it can have on your success 
  • An approach for goal setting that has been adopted by many successful startups
  • What your ambitions are for your business and why you MUST achieve them
Module 4 

Your Peeps or 'Who'

When a runner is preparing for race day, they are surrounded by coaches and loved ones who cheer them on. By the end of this module, you will know how to identify key members of your network to support you on your startup journey.

Module Highlights:

In this Module, you'll learn:  

  • The different types of support you will receive from your network 
  • An approach for deciding what coaches or mentors you need who can take you to that next level
  • Criteria for choosing the right individuals to be a part of your network ... to get the most value from your circle of support

14-Day Money Back  Guarantee

Once you begin the course, you may discover that the timing isn't right to take the course or it's not a fit for you.  I don't want you to feel pressured to continue with the program if you're not going to get the value out of your investment.

If you want to cancel within the first 14 days of attending the first session, simply send an email requesting a full refund and attach your work demonstrating that you completed the exercises.  I will gladly refund your money.

Frequently Asked Questions

You might have the same questions that previous students have asked. 
If so, here are answers to the most frequently-asked questions:

GET INSPIRED By Discovering Your Passion, Purpose & Polar Star

Value of $197 USD

Here are all the incredible benefits that you'll get in this value-packed course:

  • 4 Working Sessions, Led by a Coach

    Everything you need to know to validate your purpose or WHAT, to discover your passion or WHY, to identify your support network or WHO, to define your WISH or your polar star

  • Coaching Materials

    A modern toolkit for today's startup owner- key frameworks to foster the right mindset to get started on your business.
  • Course Workbook

    A place to complete all the exercises and capture your learnings and rough notes during the program.
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