4 Secrets for a Successful Startup ... 


GET STARTED:  4 Secrets for a Successful Startup is a free masterclass that will educate you about the four critical areas that you need to focus on to prepare yourself for your startup journey ahead.  By the end of the masterclass, you will be clear about your next steps to get started!  

Register Here

We've known the 4 secrets of business success for over 100 years.  Yet, we still see that most startups never become profitable or make it past five years. Why is that?     

According to an extensive study conducted by McKinsey & Company, most people are "not prepared for that top job - with 40% failing in their first 18 months.(1)" In contrast, "the top of the pack think differently, which causes them to take profoundly different actions day in and day out (2)". In other words, successful entrepreneurs focus on all 4 of these startup secrets. 

When I started my first business, I focused on only 1 of these 4 critical areas. Not surprisingly, that first business failed. In this session, you'll learn what every successful small business owner already knows - how to apply all 4 secrets! 

The fact that you're reading this tells me you're willing to do the work it takes to get prepared for the startup journey ... putting you one step ahead of your competition!  Good for you for taking this first step!

(1) Carolyn Dewar et al.  CEO Excellence. New York: Simon & Schuster, Inc. 2022. pg. 2; and (2) Ibid, pg. 14.

By the end of this masterclass,

 you will have insight into …


  • What a Successful Entrepreneurial Mindset Is

    Success starts with the right motivation and mindset - you'll learn the 3 questions you need to answer to foster a successful entrepreneur's mindset
  • What Clarity Successful Entrepreneurs Have About Their Dreams

    Successful entrepreneurs are often described as visionary - learn what entrepreneurs need to be clear about, for a successful journey
  • What Makes Successful Business People Thrive

    For over 100 years, we've known the answer to what makes successful business people successful - learn about the 2  things you need to do to increase your chance of success
  • What You Need to Do to Prepare for Your Startup Journey Ahead

    Every successful entrepreneur knows about these secrets that have contributed to their success - learn the 4 secrets and get started on your journey

I'm inviting you to participate in this FREE masterclass where you can discover the 4 secrets to prepare for your startup journey


GET STARTED: 4 Secrets for a Successful Startup 

Are you ready to get started?

Click Here to Register

Why Now?

If there are three words in the English language that I hate saying, it's 'I should have'".  In the past, I've let fear and a bunch of reasons excuses get in the way of following through on my dreams. If you have a dream to start a business, don't make the same mistake I did.

You owe it to yourself to at least explore the possibility of pursuing this path. Some people tell themselves that they'll start a business later in life when the timing is better...when the mortgage is paid off, when the kids are gone, or when they're closer to retirement. 

Have you heard of the 'rocking chair test'?  Imagine you're 80 and in a rocking chair looking back on your life.  Will you say, "I wish I had started a business"? and wonder "How would my life have been different as a business owner?" 

Don't wait another day. Take one small step forward by signing up for GET STARTED now!