By Choosing Your Winning Business Idea 



 GET ILLUMINATED is a self-paced online coaching program that prepares you for the startup journey ahead by helping you to choose a business idea that is aligned with your purpose. By the end of this  program, you will have the tools to choose an idea that excites you and to validate whether the idea is also a viable one - giving you the confidence you need to follow through on it!

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Whether you have 100 business ideas swimming around in your head, a short list of 2 or 3 potential ideas, or no ideas (only a desire to start a business), this course is for you!  And you likely already know that you need a coach.

If so, you're in a better position than where I was when I started my first business over 20 years ago.  I didn't deliberately choose my business idea, I often tell people that it chose me.  What I mean by that is someone asked me to deliver training programs so I started a business around that ...despite not even liking the work. Needless to say, my motivation and therefore my business didn't last long.

I know you won't make the same mistake I did, because you're here reading this right now.  That tells me you're looking for support to choose a business idea that is inspiring and a winning idea! Good for you for taking this first step!

By the end of this program,

you will have


  • A Source of Inspiration for Potential Business Ideas

    You will learn about the 4 sources of all winning business ideas, and you will practice applying them to your own situation by generating potential ideas for you 

  • A Proven Approach that You Can Use Again and Again for Generating Ideas

    Once you learn this proven approach for generating ideas, you will be able to use this skill over and over again to build an endless pipeline of business ideas - fueling the growth of your business

  • A Tool for Assessing the Viability of Your Ideas

    You will learn how to use an assessment tool to evaluate the market and financial viability of your ideas ... making it easier to choose the one with the greatest potential for success
  • Confidence That You Have Chosen an Idea That's Right For You

    By learning about a structured and rigorous process for choosing your business idea, you will have the increased confidence you need to follow through on starting that business



Your Winning Business Idea

Are you ready to get started?!

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7-Day Money Back Guarantee

Once you begin the course, you may discover that the timing isn't right to take the course or it's not a fit for you.  I don't want you to feel pressured to continue with the program if you're not going to get the value out of your investment.

If you want to cancel within the first week of attending the first workshop, simply send an email requesting a full refund and attach your work demonstrating that you completed the exercises.  I will gladly refund your money.

GET ILLUMINATED By Choosing Your Winning Business Idea

Value of $97 USD

Here's what you get in this self-paced, on-line coaching program:

  • 7 Videos, Including 5 Intensive Working Sessions

    Get ready to roll up your sleeves in this series of working sessions where you will learn a proven approach to choosing a business idea and apply it to your own business 

  • Course Workbook

    Print off, or download this editable course workbook designed to capture your thoughts while you work through the exercises - giving you a place that you can return to again and again for inspiration 
  • Resources to Support You

    Use the handy resources of tips, lists and stories in the course to stimulate ideas and help you to imagine your life as a startup owner or CEO
  • Winning Business Idea Validation Checklist

    Leverage this proprietary tool to validate the market and financial viability of your potential business ideas - giving you insights into any downsides or risks of each idea ... ultimately helping you choose the right one for you
  • BONUS! 30-Day Challenge

    If you haven't identified your winning idea YET by the end of the program, continue the momentum that you've started by committing to this 30-day challenge
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