Build Your Planning Skills to Get Ready, Get Set and Get Going


 FIRST 50 DAYS is the only online coaching program that offers a step-by-step approach to business planning that is uniquely designed for startups and embeds a proven agile approach for accelerating the time it takes to go from idea to implementation. After working through the exercises with an experienced coach, you will be better prepared for your startup journey with a clear vision for your business, modern tools for navigating the journey and the confidence you need to get ready, get set and get going ... in 50 days!

Sign me up, for 1 Payment of $4,997 USD
Sign me up, for 3 Monthly Payments of $1,797 USD

Most startups make the mistake of doing little or no business planning at all. The reality is that most startups 'wing it'.

I get it.  We're all good at some things and not others. So it's not surprising that many startups will do some planning in the areas that they are familiar or comfortable with. The rest of the areas become blind spots or gaps in the planning process ... leaving startups unprepared to tackle issues in those areas when they arise.

According to McKinsey's research, "the best CEOs are excellent in a few areas, and do a solid if not exemplary job in the others" (CEO Excellence, pg. 14). In my courses, I like to describe this leadership quality as being 'a mile deep' in some areas, and 'an inch' deep in all the rest.

In a corporate setting, there are 'First 100 Day' programs that are designed to prepare CEOs for managing every area of their business. Unfortunately the same support wasn't available for startups ... until now.

That was my inspiration for creating this First 50 Day program to ensure startups are considering EVERY aspect of their startup or small business - building a set of planning skills that they'll hone continuously over the life of their business.

You know the value of working with a coach or a mentor to help you build those startup business planning skills, or you wouldn't be reading this right now. Sign up for First 50 Days today ... and plan faster, learn quicker, and succeed sooner!

By the end of this program,

you will have…


  • A Clear Vision for the Business You Want to Create

    By architecting what your ideal business will look like in 3 or 5 years, you will have a clear vision for what success looks like - increasing your chance of realizing it! 
  • The Secret Formula for a Winning Startup Business Plan 

    Most business plan templates are built for large or mid-sized companies, not startups.  in First 50 Days, you'll learn the 12 questions that effective startup business plans contain - a proven template that's uniquely customized for startups and small business owners like you. 
  • Greater Readiness for Your Entrepreneurial Journey 

    It's human nature to want to focus on our strengths and ignore the topics we're not good at.  By considering all key aspects of your business in advance of starting up your new venture, you'll be more prepared for the journey and therefore more likely to overcome challenges when they arise!
  • Lessons Learned to Accelerate the Journey 

    By working with a business planning specialist with over two decades of experience coaching startups, you will learn about the common myths, mistakes and misperceptions - which will increase your chance of avoiding them ... or enable you to recover from them faster.
  • Business Planning Skills, for Life

    I will teach you how to fish, rather than give you a fish (in the form of a business plan, of course).  By the end of the program, you'll be well on your way to building the business planning skills that will serve you for life! 
  • A Modern Toolkit of Checklists, Stories and Samples

    Over the past two decades of coaching startups, I've accumulated a wealth of planning experience that I am excited to share with you.  When you participate in this coaching program, you will have access to a modern toolkit of frameworks, operating models and examples that you can leverage again and again to refresh your business plans. 
  • A Practical Outcome of a Plan for your Business

    If you participate fully in the workshops by completing all of the carefully designed series of exercises, you will have developed a set of maps or plans for your journey by the end of the program ... and, in just 50 days!     

Shh...I'm going to let you in on a little secret

Traditional business planning is broken!  It was never designed with the startup owner in mind.  That's why you need a planning approach that was uniquely designed for today's startup or small business owner

I'm inviting you to participate in ...

Build Your Planning Skills to Get Ready, Get Set and Get Going

Plan faster.  Learn quicker.  Succeed sooner!

Sign me up, for 1 Payment of $4,997 USD
Sign me up, for 3 Payments of $1,797 USD

What’s Inside FIRST 50 DAYS:
Build Your Planning Skills to Get Ready, Get Set and Get Going 


PART A: GET READY By Building your Long-term Visioning Skills


Module 1: Market Section of Your Agile Vision Map

Many businesses fail because there isn't a market for the business idea.  It's not surprising that many startups ask the question "will there be a big enough market for my idea" or "if I build the product or service, will anyone buy it?"  This module is designed to help you answer those questions related to your ideal client and how you will meet their needs.    

Module Highlights:

In this module, you'll learn:

  • An approach for identifying who will buy your product or service 
  • What criteria to consider when designing your product or service to increase the revenue you can expect to receive 
  • Why potential clients are more likely to choose your solution over someone else's offering
Module 2: Operations Section of Your Agile Vision Map

Many startups don't spend much (if any) time thinking about the operations of their business before they start up their new venture. After all, this isn't the sexy stuff!  By designing systems or processes, you can reduce the time you have to spend on this part of your business.  If you've been wondering "what does it take to run a business", this module is designed to help you answer that question.

In this module, you'll learn:

  •  What areas of your business you'll need to design processes or protocols around, to improve the efficiency of your operation
  • What types of activities should you consider automating, to reduce the time you need to spend 'behind the scenes'
  • What tools, checklists or other job aids you'll want in place, to save you valuable time and improve the quality or consistency of the experience for your clients
Module 3: Financial Section of Your Agile Vision Map

Many people dream about starting a business, but sadly many aren't prepared to do the work upfront to see if they'll be okay financially if they pursue their startup dream.  I often hear people say, "I don't know if I can achieve my financial goals" or "I don't know if I can make ends meet" if I start up the business.  This module is designed to help you better understand what to expect financially from your business.

Module Highlights:

In this Module, you'll learn:  

  • An approach for estimating how much profit you can expect to make from your business
  • What you need to keep track of, in order to understand the finances of your business  
  • What tools or templates can support you to manage the flow of cash through your business 


Module 4: People Section of Your Agile Vision Map

Most startups ask the question at some point, "I wonder if I have what it takes to be an entrepreneur or business owner".  Sadly, many have false perceptions or believe that successful entrepreneurs are BORN and not made. This module is designed to help you to identify the skills and knowledge that it takes to run the business you're planning to start and a way of evaluating  your own skills that will leave you confident that 'you've got this'!   

Module Highlights:

In this Module, you'll learn:

  • What strengths you have that you can leverage in your business
  • What 'blind spots' exist that need to be addressed, to proactively prevent them from becoming an issue 
  • What strategies you can use to attract the right people with the right skills and knowledge to support you with your startup

PART B: GET SET By Building Your Prioritizing Skills


Module 5: Create Your Agile Roadmap

After completing an agile vision map, I often hear people say, "I have a clear view of where I want to go but I don't know where to begin."  "What should I do first, second, third?" or "Should I be trying to do all these things at once."  This module is designed to help you to answer those questions by developing your prioritization skills so that you're more likely to be working on the right things, at the right time. 

Module Highlights:

In this Module, you'll learn:  

  • How to avoid common traps that can lead to failure to make progress on important priorities
  • How to prioritize the vast number of projects and tasks to start up a business and capture them in an agile roadmap 
  • How to maintain an 'up-to-date' agile roadmap when your business is dynamic and constantly evolving  


PART C: GET GOING By Building Your Actioning Skills


Module 6: Create Your Agile Action Maps

After completing an agile roadmap, I often hear people say, "It's Monday, I'm not sure what I should be doing today."  "I've heard that successful entrepreneurs need to take consistent action, but what does that mean?"  This module is designed to teach you how to plan your work to help move  you closer to your goals.  

Module Highlights:

In this module, you'll learn:

  • How to avoid common traps that can lead to poor time management, overwhelm or burnout 
  • How to align your weekly priorities with your agile roadmap - ensuring you are working on the priorities that matter 
  • How to plan your day and your week so that you are making steady progress on your priorities ... even when you don't yet see the impact your actions are having

14-Day Money Back  Guarantee

Once you begin the course, you may discover that the timing isn't right to take the course or it's not a fit for you.  I don't want you to feel pressured to continue with the program if you're not going to get the value out of your investment.

If you want to cancel within the first 14 days of attending the first workshop, simply send an email requesting a full refund and attach your work demonstrating that you completed the exercises.  I will gladly refund your money.

Frequently Asked Questions

You might have the same questions that previous students have asked. 
If so, here are answers to the most frequently-asked questions:

FIRST 50 DAYS: Build Your Planning Skills to Get Ready, Get Set and Get Going

Value of $4,997 USD

  • 6 Modules

    Everything you need to know to build your agile vision map, agile roadmap, and agile action maps 

  • 6 Group Workshops

    Weekly group coaching sessions that will  coach you through a series of exercises to develop your planning skills to get ready with long-term visioning skills, get set with mid-term prioritizing capabilities, and get going with immediate term (weekly and daily) actioning skills, 
  • Coaching Materials

    A modern toolkit for today's startup consisting of checklists, tips, and samples that embed leading practices and real-world successes ... all the support you need to develop your plans.
  • Course Workbooks

    A place to complete all the exercises and capture your learnings and rough notes for your plans.
  • 6 Weekly Q&A Sessions

    I want to make sure that no one is left behind.  As a result, I am providing a bonus - a weekly one hour Question & Answer session hosted by your coach, where you can get your questions answered. 
  • Lessons Learned from Startup Failure and Successes 

Each module is packed with common myths, mistakes and misperceptions from actual startups and stories about success and failure to accelerate your learning.

Sign me up, for 1 payment of $4,997 USD
Sign me up, for 3 payments of $1,797 USD